Cancer as a “Lump or Bump”

by | Apr 17, 2019 | Health, Cancer science

The general approach to cancer seems to be more like a ‘lump or bump’ theory – ie. that cancer is merely a lump or bump that we should cut, poison or burn out of the body, thus saving the patient.

There are some colourful analogies to this approach, that can demonstrate how simplistic and ineffective it is – for example, it’s quite like a farmer’s crop developing a spotty disease, which she then takes a pair of scissors to, painstakingly cutting off every spot, thinking the disease is cured. A second analogy might be – when you get a cold, you should cut off your nose when it fills with mucus in order to cure your cold.

Well, it’s clear that this thinking falls far short. The body, like all organisms, works as a whole system. Disease and malfunction derives from the organism’s source of life and energy, its exposure to toxins, nutrition and general well-being. It makes far more sense to approach cancer by examining the patient as a ‘whole’ – and there is plenty of real evidence of people who have reversed their cancer status by making simple changes to their lives, but there is scientific research too. To quote from this study: “It is becoming clearer as research continues that nutrition plays a major role in cancer. It has been estimated by the American Institute for Cancer Research and the World Cancer Research Fund that 30–40 percent of all cancers can be prevented by appropriate diets, physical activity, and maintenance of appropriate body weight. It is likely to be higher than this for some individual cancers.”

To make things worse, if we cut, poison or burn the lump or bump we put the patient at even more risk. Why does medicine struggle to see this?

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